New Jersey Special Investigators Association, Inc.

NJSIA Annual Seminar -

We've got them - YOU have to nominate someone to receive them:

  • Achievement Award
  • Service Award
  • Claims Executive of the Year
  • Presidents Award
  • Claims Person of the Year
  • Investigator of the Year

Send in your Nominations by October 1, 2025(add'l info below)
         Submit Your Nomination

Achievement Award

The Achievement Award recognizes an individual's contributions to the NJSIA, the Insurance Industry, and his or her Company.  Nominees may be anyone who has made a substantial contribution to the Insurance anti-fraud efforts.

Factors considered for evaluating the Achievement Award nominees include:

    1. Image made to the nominee’s SIU & Company.
    2. Positive impact of service to the NJSIA and the SIU Community.
    3. Significant contributions to the success of the NJSIA.
    4. Volunteering for the annual seminar, and other NJSIA Activities.

NJSIA Service Award

The NJSIA Service Award recognizes Anti-Fraud contributions to the insurance industry, an individual’s company, the SIU community or the NJSIA. Nominees may be anyone who has made a substantial contribution to the insurance anti-fraud efforts.

Factors considered in evaluating nominees include:

  1. Image made to the nominee’s SIU and company.

  2. Positive impact of service.

  3. Significant contributions to the success of the NJSIA and its mission.

  4. Volunteering for all events, to include the annual seminar, etc.


Claims Executive of the Year


Chosen by the Board of Directors to recognize a New Jersey Claims Executive's commitment to Anti-Fraud efforts.


Presidents Award


Awarded by the current NJSIA President.


Claim Person of the Year Award


This award is presented to the Claims handler who has demonstrated a strong commitment to Anti-Fraud efforts by his or her ability to identify and properly handle suspicious claims.


Investigator of the Year

To be considered for the Investigator of the Year, the nominee must be a member in good standing of the NJSIA, both during the investigation and at the time of the award.  The nominated investigation must have occurred during the year of the award.

 Factors considered in evaluating for the award include:

1.     Impact made to the Investigator’s SIU and company.
Positive effect the investigation had on the Insurance industry.
Positive effect the investigation had on the outside community.
Unique or exceptional qualities of the Investigation.

While it is important to share information about the background and outstanding personal attributes of the investigator to the NJSIA Committee, the award is based solely on the investigation as it is presented by the contributor.  The recipient will receive the award during the annual NJSIA Seminar.


All persons submitting nominations must state the individual or individuals they are nominating, the award being nominated and the qualifications of the individual/s they are nominating based on the above criteria.

All nominations must be received by October 1, 2025 to be considered.
Submit all nominations to:  Awards Representative, Pete Vasquez.

Please email your nominations to:

E-Mail Pete atSubmit Your Nomination

Questions-please contact Pete at:  PVasquez@njsia.org


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