New Jersey Special Investigators Association, Inc.

Members Reinstating 

NJSIA Membership Reinstatement 

If you have been a previous NJSIA member or your membership lapsed and would like to reinstate, please use the application below and check the box for membership reinstatement.  Please read the Membership Reinstatement requirements below prior to filling out the application.

Application to Reinstate Membership  


REGULAR MEMBERSHIP in the Association shall be renewed annually.  Such renewal shall be made no later than March 31st of the current year to the Board, using the approved renewal form and accompanied by payment of appropriate dues.  Current members can renew their membership online.

Once approved for Regular Membership in the Association, an individual may continue to renew that Regular Membership on an annual basis, despite any changes in the individual’s position or employment, unless the new employment is inconsistent with or prejudicial to the mission or purpose of the Association.  However, once Regular Membership in the Association lapses, the individual must reapply for Regular Membership, and must meet all the eligibility requirements at the time of reapplication.  Regular membership shall lapse when the current year dues are not paid by April 1st and reinstatement of membership shall be subject to Board approval once a lapse occurs.  Additional fees may be charged if the annual dues are not paid by April 1st.

 ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP in the Association shall be renewed annually.   Such renewal shall be made no later than March 31st of the current year to the Board, using the approved renewal form and accompanied by payment of appropriate dues.


To be eligible for Associate Membership, an individual shall, at the time of application and at all times thereafter:

Support the Detection of insurance Fraud as a Non-SIU Insurance Claims or Underwriting Representative.

  • Perform as a Claim or Underwriter insurance carrier representative whose functions include the investigation and detection of Claim or Underwriting activity that is questionable and/or suspicious and has a degree of SIU referral activity due to their early recognition and investigative actions.

However, once Associate Membership in the Association lapses, the individual must reapply for Associate Membership, and must meet all the eligibility requirements at the time of reapplication.  

Associate membership shall lapse when the current year dues are not paid by April 1st and reinstatement of membership shall be subject to Board approval once a lapse occurs.  Additional fees may be charged if the annual dues are not paid by April 1st.

Open/download Printable NJSIA Membership Application & submit your check by mail. 

Please review all payment details in the Membership Information page:

Membership dues are currently $25 per year and are due in January of each year.
Membership lapses if dues are not paid by April 1st.
Total Reinstating fees are $50 - which includes an Administrative/Processing fee of $25.

Existing Members will be asked to LOGIN to pay the $25 Renewal amount using this online payment form by credit or debit card.
A printable application is available within "Members Only" or by following through the online form but checking "Manual" process instead.

If in doubt using this online form or for ANY questions please contact us. 

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Copyright (C) 2000-2025 NJSIA : New Jersey Special Investigators Association. All rights reserved.
New Jersey Special Investigators Association is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.
NJSIA P.O. Box 58, Waretown, NJ 08758
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