New Jersey Special Investigators Association, Inc.

Membership Information

With NJSIA membership you can exchange information with other members of the industry relevant to the insurance investigation.  You will be part of the organization and its mission to combat insurance fraud.

Membership Criteria

                 Regular Membership

To be eligible for Regular Membership in the Association, an individual shall, at the time of application;

  • A.      Be a full-time employee of an organization engaged in the business of insurance, such as a licensed carrier, a self-insured, or a third party administrator under contract to a licensed carrier or self-insured (per N.J.A.C 11:16-6.4 (e)); or, be a full-time employee of an insurance industry funded organization or agency; or, be a full-time employee of a government agency;
  • B.      and, have the primary function and responsibility of investigating suspected fraudulent insurance claims or other type(s) of suspected internal and/ or external insurance fraud, or directly supervising or regulating such activities;
  • C.      and, be of unquestionable character and reputation

Application for Regular Membership shall be made to the Board upon the approved form, with sponsorship of a current member of the association in good standing.  The application must be accompanied by payment of the appropriate dues and fees.

No applicant shall be accepted as a Regular Member of the Association until his or her qualifications have been reviewed and approved by the Board.  Where necessary, the Board may conduct an independent investigation to determine an applicant’s eligibility for Regular Membership.  All questions and interpretations concerning qualifications and eligibility shall be resolved by the Board.

In the event that an application for Regular Membership is rejected by the Board, that application along with the dues and fees paid by the applicant, shall be returned to the applicant.

Regular Membership in the Association shall be renewed annually.  Such renewal shall be made no later than March 31st of the current year to the Board, using the approved renewal form and accompanied by payment of appropriate dues.

Once approved for Regular Membership in the Association, an individual may continue to renew that Regular Membership on an annual basis, despite any changes in the individual’s position or employment, unless the new employment is inconsistent with or prejudicial to the mission or purpose of the Association.  However, once Regular Membership in the Association lapses, the individual must reapply for Regular Membership, and must meet all the eligibility requirements at the time of reapplication.  Regular membership shall lapse when the current year dues are not paid by April 1st and reinstatement of membership shall be subject to Board approval once a lapse occurs.  Additional fees may be charged if the annual dues are not paid by April 1st.

Regular Membership in the Association shall terminate:

  • A.      Through the Regular Member failing to renew his/ her membership and pay annual dues;
  • B.      or, by the Regular Member’s voluntary withdrawal;
  • C.      or, by a two-thirds vote of the Board, at a regularly scheduled meeting with a quorum of 51% of the Board Members in attendance, when the Regular Member has exhibited conduct that is inconsistent with, and/ or prejudicial to, the best interests of the Association;
  • D.     or, by a two-thirds vote of the Board, at a regularly scheduled meeting with a quorum of 51% of the Board Members in attendance, when the Regular Member has changed employment, and that employment is inconsistent with and/ or prejudicial to, the mission or purpose of the Association.


                    Associate Membership

To be eligible for Associate Membership, an individual shall, at the time of application and at all times thereafter;

Support the Detection of insurance Fraud as a Non-SIU Insurance Claims or Underwriting Representative.

  • A.      Perform as a Claim or Underwriter insurance carrier representative whose functions include the investigation and detection of Claim or Underwriting activity that is questionable and/or suspicious and has a degree of SIU referral activity due to their early recognition and investigative actions.
  • B.      Each applicant must secure the signature and endorsement of a regular member of NJSIA having a minimum of five (5) years membership status.
  • C.      The member’s endorsement shall define the length of time the proposed Associate Member has been known to the recommending member and detail how the proposed Associate Member has provided service to the SIU Department of the insurance carrier or organization employing the NJSIA regular member.
  • 1.      Associate Memberships in the Association shall terminate:
  • A.       Through the Associate Member failing to renew his/her membership and pay annual dues;
  • B.      Or, by the Associate Member’s voluntary withdrawal;
  • C.      Or, in the event an Associate Member fails to maintain any of the conditions of membership set out in this Article V;
  • D.     Or, by a two-thirds vote of the Board, at a regularly scheduled meeting with a quorum of 51% of the Board in attendance, when the Associate Member has exhibited conduct that is inconsistent with, and/or prejudicial to, the best interests of the Association.
  • E.      Or, by a two-thirds vote of the Board, at a regularly scheduled meeting with a quorum of 51% of the Board Member’s in attendance, when the Associate Member has changed employment, and that employment is inconsistent with and/or prejudicial to, the mission of the Association
  • 2.      Conditions Applicable to Associate Member Participation

An Associate Member will have no voting rights nor be eligible to hold an elective or appointed office including a Director’s position. Associate Members may be excluded from any business activity of NJSIA by a majority vote of the NJSDIA Board of Directors. Annual membership dues and fees will be determined by the NJSIA Board of Directors on an annual basis.

If interested in becoming a Regular or Associate member of NJSIA, please complete our application and submit it to the membership committee.

Membership Benefits

Here are some of the benefits of being a member of the NJSIA organization:

  • Items of Importance and Useful Resources are available 24/7 on our website for immediate access by logging into the Members Only area online.
  • Members have a unique Profile that they update and may select what information is kept private and what information is shared with other members.
  • NJSIA Special Events and Yearly Seminar!

Members' E-Subscriptions

We encourage all members to supply us with a current E-mail address so they do not miss any important meeting or event information, etc. 

Log-in now to check your member's Profile. Update or correct any changes required.

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Copyright (C) 2000-2025 NJSIA : New Jersey Special Investigators Association. All rights reserved.
New Jersey Special Investigators Association is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.
NJSIA P.O. Box 58, Waretown, NJ 08758
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